Check out the SCC video series, #succeedtogether, three separate, yet related, vignettes that illustrate the power of community. They can be viewed – and shared – separately.
Seven of our members and supporters are featured and more than 60 members and friends were part of the final scene, which was shot at the Annual Member Picnic in mid-September. Members of the crowd held brightly colored poster board in the air with information about economic development, housing and organizing initiatives in Somerville.
Financial Stability & SCC
- Over 40% of residents in Massachusetts have subprime credit scores, and 23% of the population carries significant debt in collections. Low credit scores and high debt create serious barriers to financial sustainability.
- SCC’s asset building programs serves over 350 people per year to help people manage their budgets and debt, improve credit scores, and achieve financial stability.
Jobs & SCC
- 85% of Somerville’s working residents work outside of the City, and over 80% of Somerville jobs are held by people living elsewhere.
- 62% of non-English speakers in Somerville have a high school education or lower, resulting in an unemployment rate more than 2.5 times higher than other residents.
- Somerville will see an increase of 30,000 new jobs by 2030. SCC’s First Source Jobs program connects job seekers who face barriers to employment with local jobs.
Affordable Housing & SCC
- The average market rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in Somerville in early 2017 was $2,354 and climbing, a sum that is not affordable for ¾ of Somerville renters.
- Since 2009, special permits have been issued for 1,900 units; only 306 offer affordable rent, and 100 were SCC construction.
- 3,400 people applied for a lottery for 35 units of affordable housing SCC completed for the Union Square Apartment complex at 181 Washington Street.
The Making of the Videos
These three videos reflect the active collaboration between SCC board, staff and members to develop the story lines and act in each of the roles. While the stories are fictitious, they represent the experiences faced daily by our members and other Somerville residents.
Video Credits

We thank our donors and members for their support and commitment.