Office of Housing Stability (OHS): 617-625-6600 ext. 2581, click on “Referrals to OHS.”
- OHS assists Somerville residents to find appropriate housing, resolve landlord/tenant matters, apply for rental assistance and obtain referrals for legal representation.
Community Action Agency Somerville (CAAS): 617-623-7370
Visit for more information.
- CAAS helps local families and individuals achieve financial security while working to eliminate the root causes of economic injustice. Core programs include Head Start (a free preschool program), Housing Advocacy Program (HAP), Community Organizing & Advocacy, and Free Tax Preparation Assistance (VITA).
Somerville Homeless Coalition: 617-623-6111
- The gateway organization for housing vouchers and other assistance for persons who are unhoused.
Respond: 617-623-5900 (M-F 8am-8pm)
- Somerville’s Domestic Violence service provider. Helps those in need access the domestic violence shelter system, assist with housing search, and address other related needs.
On the Rise: 617-497-7968
- Specializes in assisting homeless women in the metro area. Located in Inman Square in Cambridge, provides face-to-face assistance with housing, safety, and other basic needs.
SafeLink: 877-785-2020 24/7 Crisis Hotline
- Massachusetts statewide system for accessing domestic violence help, shelter, and related needs.
Dial 3-1-1
- A central hub to access a variety of city services and non-urgent community concerns
SomerViva: Office of Immigrant Affairs
- Please visit
Boston Emergency Services Team:
- 800-981-4357 Mental health & counseling services.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
- Support and meetings for those in recovery from alcohol addiction or wanting to stop drinking.
Narcotics Anonymous:
- Support and meetings for those in recovery from substance abuse or wanting to stop using.
Somerville Partnership for Young Children: 617-625-6600, x3652
- Access to high quality programs for children, supported by instructional supports that empower early educators and families.
Project Bread: 800-645-8333
- Food Assistance
Family Resources: 617-625-6600 x3656
- Comprehensive resources for family support, food & basic needs, immigrant services, health, housing, legal services, and emergency hotlines.
AdCare: 617-227-2622
- Substance abuse help.
After School Programs:
Please visit
Mutual Aid: 339-545–1315
- Community support for groceries, deliveries, childcare, and housing.
The Welcome Project: (617) 623-6633
- Community-based organization based at the Mystic Public Housing Development working with immigrants to coordinate services, leadership development and opportunities for civic engagement