Rental Payment: SCC uses Rent Café for easy online rent payments. Please email with questions.
Rental Assistance: If you are behind on rent or having any issues with payment, please email
Job Training: Our First Source Jobs Program helps local job seekers gain the skills they need to establish a career pathway resulting in good jobs, career growth, and economic resiliency. We offer career coaching, job readiness training, ESL and computer literacy support, direct connections to employers, and postplacement support. We partner with local employers to help them access our talented job seekers. Please visit or email Renee Taylor at for more information
Financial Education: Our Financial Literacy classes help people better understand debt, banking, credit, and how to save. Our popular First Time Home Buyer classes help people better understand the often intimidating process of saving for and purchasing a home, as well as how to access programs that can make doing so more accessible. Please visit or email Jose Cedanio at for more information.
Maintenance: To request maintenance work, please call (617) 410-9915 or report the issue in RENTCafé.
Emergency Plumbing: If you have an emergency plumbing issue outside of normal work hours please call Big Blue Plumbing at (617) 284-9444 to request assistance.
Emergency Lock/Key: If you have an emergency lock/key issue outside of normal work hours please call MassLock at (617) 387-3500.
When requesting an emergency response from an external company please let SCC know as well so that we can coordinate payment.