First Source Jobs Partners with SCALE
The First Source Jobs Program kicked off its exciting new partnership with SCALE in October 2018 with the first Job Readiness for Culinary and Hospitality Careers class.

The 12 week training ran from October 2018 through January 2019 and helped prepare 15 students for careers in the culinary and hospitality sector. The class was made up of students who either sought to enter this field, or were already working in the culinary or hospitality industries and wanted to advance in their careers. The class provided an opportunity for students to practice soft skills, such as active listening, self-advocacy, how to talk about themselves professionally, and interview preparation. The students met with local employers, including Foundation Kitchen and toured several kitchen facilities at Spaulding Hospital. Chef John Rorke provided hands-on knife skills training. The class culminated in a session on salary negotiation to support students as they begin to search and apply for jobs. In addition to class time, the students also began working individually with the First Source career coaches to set their own personal career goals, develop career pathways, and search and apply for jobs. Much more is in store for our partnership with SCALE – we are running two general job readiness courses in April and May, and a new Job Readiness for Healthcare Careers will begin in June. We look forward to our ongoing partnership with SCALE and to continuing to work with these fantastic students.