2016 Social Equity Campaign Surpasses Goal

We couldn’t be prouder to announce that Somerville Community Corporation raised $386,000 through our Social Equity Campaign this year, far surpassing our goal to raise $300,000 for an increase of 193% over our 2015 total of $200,000.
This reflects the tremendous generosity of our donors* and our leaders who helped us reach these goals. The money raised through the Social Equity Campaign directly funds SCC programs to move our Social Equity agenda forward. This means we can build more housing, place more job seekers onto a career path, help more people achieve long term financial stability, and engage more leaders to win campaign victories that benefit Somerville’s diverse community.
We thank you with our full hearts!
Event Hosts Make the Difference
A very special thanks to a number of members who took great leadership to host events at their homes to help connect more people to SCC through the Social Equity Campaign. Thanks to:
- Cassie Arnaud
- Dick and Roberta Bauer
- Helen Corrigan
- Dennis and Rona Fischman
- Karen Gardner and Cesar Urranaga
- Diane Masters
- Kathy McGilvray
- Justin Moeling and Stephanie Toews-Moeling
- Fred Mueller and Cindy Taft
- Thalia Tringo
* A full of list of donors will be included on our annual report, coming soon. Please feel free to contact us for a copy of this report.